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Englisch Sprache

Text, der vom Benutzer korrigiert werden soll Maimonides

Nowadays, there are many people living together in every countries. I ask myself if I should learn the manners of the place we are in.
Some people say: "In Rome do as the Romans do", and I agree with this sentence.
First of all, I think I should learn the manners in order to avoid problems with other person.
Secondly, I´ll be able to understand what they do and I´ll do what I should do.
For intance, if I do something in an inappropri­ate way, I could even go to prison.
Finally, I can observe that there are appropiate behaviors in each situation.
In conclusion, I think that we should learn manners of the place you are in because I should be respectful to people.
Sprache: Englisch   Sprachwissen: Muttersprachler, Kompetenz

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