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Englisch Sprache

Text, der vom Benutzer korrigiert werden soll JuliaK

Spring is the thing that makes me go faster even if I don’t want. It’s the time of being in the company with friends. Time to find out that you are not alone in this world.
To be honest, it’s a kind of hard time for me. Autumn is really better with its silent evenings and yearning in air. There’s no chance to be sad on spring and it’s good. And I can say exactly that spring’s flaw is the absence of comfort.
This season gives people a great of energy and even inspiratio­n: to do, to make, to wake up earlier, to take extra tasks, finally to learn something new. I feel it like any another person, but I can’t say that I enjoy this time.
It’s like I say “thank you” for all the good things but I feel free when it goes away. Sorry for so many words, I just would like to know if there’s somebody else who feel like me? Does anybody else feel difficult in this period of time?
How do you think, are we special with it or just a little crazy? I think both. I’m a little creative person and I think it’s because of my sensitivit­y.
Sprache: Englisch   Sprachwissen: Muttersprachler, Kompetenz, Fortgeschrittene, Obere Mittelstufe

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